Unsanctioned: Boomstacker

UND: Boomstacker
Edition: Unsanctioned
Type: Creature - Goblin Artificer
Cast: 2 R
Rarity: R
Collector #: 049
As Boomstacker enters the battlefield and whenever it attacks, stack two dice on top of it. (All dice must be stacked vertically, one on top of another.)
Boomstacker gets +1/+1 for each die in its stack.
Boomstacker attacks each combat if able.
When the stack falls, sacrifice Boomstacker.
  • NM
  • EX
  • VG
  • G
  • 8 available @ $0.49
  • $0.39
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  • $0.34
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  • $0.25
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